I don't want to use this blog as a soapbox, but something yesterday really bothered me and I want to address it. Yesterday I was watching TV and a commercial came on the television for a new video game titled "Call of Duty:Black Ops." The commercial depicts ordinary citizens and celebrities (Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel) engaging in close quarters military combat. At the end of the commercial the tagline appears "There's A Solider In All of Us." Well...sorry Activision, but I disagree. I don't think everyone has a little solider in them and that's what makes the people that defend this great country so special. While I don't think it was Activision's intention to directly compare the pimply faced 12-old that will buy the game and spend hours rotting his brain to the smart, talented, mentally and physically fit, brave men and women that leave their family, lives, and careers to defend this great nation, but I would suggest they change their tagline. I would recommend a less audacious tagline like..."Everyone can complete a marathon!" (While it probably won't help them sell video games, it would be truer than their original rubbish.)
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