Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bald Eagles and Nose Bleeds...

Have you ever had a weird run? A run where some weird, unexplainable things happened during your run? Today was one of those runs. The first odd thing was it being 62 degrees in middle of February in Nebraska. I don't know if they'll be many times when I can run in shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of February. But I'm not complaining. Keep up the good work Global Warming.

During the run, maybe not so weird, but more along the lines of less frequent I saw a bald eagle. Nothing gets the red, white, and blue blood boiling like seeing a bald eagle. It was soaring overhead and really motivated me to finish the last 7 miles of my run.

As I began to make my way back across the Bob Kerry Pedestrian Bridge I noticed lots of people were looking at me and looking at me kind of funny. At first I didn't think anything of it until I wiped my nose. For how long, I'm not sure, but I had a bloody nose and subsequently probably a bloody face. Without a Kleenex for next 6 miles I just decided to continuously wipe until the flow was too much. I stopped for a few brief moment and decided to stuff snow up my left nostril (it was the only thing I could think of and don't worry it wasn't yellow. I made sure to choose the cleanest, whitest looking snow available) in hoping to stop the bleeding or at least moisten the nostril. ( I'm pretty sure the nose bleed was caused by dry air and nothing to do with running or running too much.)

And finally, not really odd, but it made me laugh was I was running through the stoplights of downtown Omaha not wanting to stop so I'd check for traffic and make a dash for it if I thought it was clear. At one particular stop light I thought I could make it without having to make the cars stop or slow down, so I bolted across the street despite the "Don't Walk" sign beaming bright red. The cars were moving faster than I thought and were closer than I thought so...the car having to slow down for me? One of Omaha's finest. I picked up the pace hoping that he wouldn't speed around the block and ticket the idiot who chose to "jaywalk" right in front of an Omaha Police Officer. No ticket, no worries. Sorry OPD.

I'm not sure the events of the run qualify as weird. Similar to if events in Alanis Morissette's song "Ironic"are really irony, but maybe that what makes this blog, run, and today..."Weird."


  1. If your mug ever shows up on Crime Stoppers, I am turning your ass in! I'll split the money with you, though.

  2. I want in on the money too Dustin.

    Who doesn't jaywalk?
