Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Representing my people...

The highlight of my running career thus far came on May 5th, 2010. The legs felt good, the pace was great, and motivation to beat some of my fellow co-workers allowed me to finish first place for my age division for the Peak Performance sponsored Cinco De Mayo 5K. My friends and family found it fitting that someone with ¼ Mexican heritage would win the Cindo De Mayo 5K, so in addition to “representing my people,” it was nice to receive recognition for running, setting a Personal Record (PR), but most important it solidified in my mind the training I was completing was paying off.

That is probably the last time I finish first in my age division or otherwise, but I get the same satisfaction from achieving a goal time or feeling I had a good race. I think it is very important to set goals. Goals can vary from a goal time, to not walk, or simply to finish a race. People should find satisfaction in achieving the goals and accomplishing what is important to them! Be realistic in your goal setting and allow the goals to be reachable. Nothing is more defeating than an unreachable goal. Attached below is a great article from Runners World. Read and post some comments about the amazing feats you’ve had in your running career!

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