October 18th!?!? Are you kidding me? It’s been almost a month since I ran my first marathon! Where has the time gone? Are the days getting shorter? Winter is almost here! Anything but winter!
I’m assuming most of you have had similar thoughts or have similar feelings towards winter months, if not, congratulations you’re a freak.
Real quick…over the last month I’ve fielded a few questions that need answering:
• What’s next? Another marathon (of course!) I’ve read over and over that once you complete you’re first, you’ll want to do another one. I’ve found that to be true. So logically the next question is….
• When? I’m not sure, most likely the May 1, 2011 Lincoln Marathon! (If anyone else has that marathon or half-marathon circled on their calendar, let me know! We can train together!)
• In the meantime? I’d like to prepare myself for a full spring schedule of the Lincoln Marathon and some shorter distance triathlons. So I plan on hitting the pool and riding my bike indoors (got a new CycleOps indoor trainer)
But enough about me, let’s talk about YOU (and maybe some more about me):
How are we going to stay motivated over the winter months?
How are we going to find time to train?
What are ¬we going to do to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
First of all…it’s not winter yet, which means don’t put your bike away, don’t stop going on walks or runs, and don’t use the excuse “it’s to cold outside.” If this was winter, we would all be in shorts and a t-shirt! So maximize those sunny fall days and don’t get stuck on the couch, because if you’re like me, come January you’ll be wishing for a 40 degree day! Which leads me into how we’re going to stay motivated during the winter months…
Bright Idea #1: Set Weekly Goals!
Set a weekly goal of walking or running (Ex. 20 miles) and if you accomplish your goal, reward yourself with something…maybe a Scooter’s Latte or a new stocking cap. Don’t set extreme goals, but something that is reachable with a little hard work and some extra effort.
Bright Idea #2: Find a friend!
Hopefully you have at least one friend that is willing to “train” with you. Having someone hold you accountable and vice versa for those early morning runs or strength training sessions will give you that extra reason to get up in the morning and head to the gym. Find someone that has similar goals so you’re training might be similar, which will allow for some friendly competition.
Let’s move on to When are we going to find time?
Bright Idea #1: 24 hours, 24 opportunities!
A day lasts 24 hours. It always has and it always will. No matter your schedule I know we all can find time to train. Wake up an hour early, stay up an hour late, or spend 30 minutes of your lunch hour walking, running, or doing some simple strength training exercises.
Currently I work full time and am taking an additional education class, so while I’m not the busiest person, I do want to prove to those more busy and less busy that it can be done. So in the coming weeks I am challenging myself to run 100 miles in one week! I will run 3 times a day, varying distances, to prove to myself and others that you can find time if you put your mind to it! (And your calendar)
Don’t be S.A.D! What are we going to do to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
Bright Idea: #1: Take advantage of nice weather!
If you find the forecast to be unseasonably warm, head outside for your work out. Running on the treadmill or working out in the gym can get old and redundant, so if the temperature gets comfortable, try heading outside for some Vitamin D!
Bright Idea: #2: Mix it up!
Two weeks of grey, cold winter days got you down? Mix it up with a workout that you’ve never done before. Attend a spin class, attend a martial arts class, or maybe try the popular P90x! Schedule a workout that’s different from your normal routine and look forward to it! Maybe you’ll enjoy it so much it will become your new hobby or passion!
Hopefully these ideas will get you thinking about how you will solve the winter blues and jumpstart your workouts.
Please post any suggestion, comments, or your own bright ideas.
Stay tuned for Century Week (100 Mile Week)!!
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