I think we can all agree Forrest Gump is a timeless, classic movie. So… when my employer had a “Halloween-Dress Like a Movie Character Day,” I thought what better way to honor the greatest fictitious runner of all-time (come on people, he ran 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours, across the country twice before stopping), than dressing like him for Halloween.
So…come up with some Running Halloween costume ideas and post your ideas or pictures for those looking for last-minute ideas. For the most creative idea maybe a treat can be mailed or sent to you. (Logistics to be considered later, might be an empty promise, so don’t get you’re hopes up, but I’ll try!). Please keep the costumes ideas classy.
Here of some ideas to get those creative brains turning:
GO AS…..Steve Prefontaine:
Costume: Running shorts, running singlet, and a mustache. Simple, yet inspiring.
WEAR……that old wedding dress with a race bib and some GU gels attached and
GO AS…. “A Runaway Bride!”
Contest ends Midnight of October 31st. Pictures of you in your Running/Halloween costume will only increase your chances of winning.
Best of luck and Happy Halloween!
Check for local Fun Runs and Costume Fun Runs.
Those in Omaha, the Omaha Running Club is having a FREE Halloween Fun Run at 7PM tonight! 156th and Dodge.
Considering I'll be playing volleyball on the day of Halloween, these are only theoretical ideas.
ReplyDeleteDash, from The Incredibles- he's a fast runner, and all you'd have to wear is red spandex, black books, slap a black disk with an "I" on the chest and wear some eye black. Presto-Dash.
Speedy Gonzales- probably what i would go as. All you need: sombrero, mouse ears, white tee and shorts, red bandana around the neck.
Final idea- Usanian Bolt. This will be hard to emulate if you're not black, but you could make it work by wearing gold (spray painted) sneakers, and doing his signature arm pose all night.
Just some thoughts. Love the Forrest Gump idea, though I think going as the "I'm on a Boat" guys would be hilarious :)
Sad only one participant, but that makes contests winners easy. E-mail and send a Facebook Message with your address and we will get a Running-Inspired Prize Package put together for when you start running again! I would have personally gone with Speedy Gonzalez, great idea!