Is anyone still running outside? If you are, congratulations...you're crazy! It's too cold in the morning and too dark in the evenings for me to run outside, so like most people I've resorted to the indoor treadmill. I'm not the biggest fan of running on a treadmill, but it's better than not running at all.
For those still braving the elements, here are a few things to remember:
1.) Hydration
Many people think because it's cold and they're not sweating as much as they normal do, they might not feel like or need to drink as much water. Wrong! Just because you're not sweating buckets like you did during the summer months doesn't mean your body is hydrated. Remember to drink before, during, and after your runs.
2.) Shine Brightly
The sky is grey, the landscape dreary, and insane Christmas shoppers are out and about. Be sure to wear bright colors and reflective clothing so that cars can see you. Be safe out there!
3.) Layers
Sometimes dressing for the conditions can be a challenge. Remember when you were a kid getting ready to go sledding? Of course you're blazing hot inside, but those extra layers will pay dividends once you get in the elements. Wear multiple layers to prevent overheating or under-dressing. You can always remove a layer if you get too warm.
So just remember to watch out for insane shoppers armed with motor vehicles, patches of ice, and yellow snow.
I can't wait to start running again!!! Oh, ps, I gave you a shout out on my latest post :)